Big Brothers Big Sisters of Melfort Development Coordinator Kathryn Carswell (second left) and two children waiting for an adult mentor joined Mayor Rick Lang (second right) as Melfort proclaimed Sept. 18 as Big Brothers Big Sisters Day. (Aaron Schulze/northeastNOW Staff)
Big Brothers Big Sisters Day

‘It’s great to have their support’: Big Brothers Big Sisters Day in Melfort

Sep 18, 2019 | 8:59 AM

Kathryn Carswell can’t recall how many times the City of Melfort has proclaimed Sept. 18 to be Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Day.

The development coordinator for BBBS of Melfort joined Mayor Rick Lang and two children on BBBS Melfort’s waiting list at Melfort City Hall for the proclamation.

“It’s great to have their support,” Carswell said. “The city as a whole and our supporters, everyone realizes what an essential service we serve here in Melfort. It’s declared all across Canada. We’re one of 106 agencies across Canada. We have a united voice and we’re just sharing the word.”

Carswell said BBBS Melfort’s wait list sits around eight, although there are children who are waiting to get on the wait list to be matched with an adult mentor.