Everyone is welcome to join us at the Alex Robertson Public Library for our Annual General Meeting on Monday, February 25, 2019 at 6:30.
Feb 20, 2019
The Melfort Business Revitalization Corporation is hosting a St. Paddy's Day party at the Historic Post Office on March 15th.Tickets are $50 each for a full evening of Irish food and entertainment.See...
Feb 20, 2019
The Meskanaw Community Bonspiel, on natural ice, will be February 22 -23.Entry fee is only $10 per player and the Bar and Kitchen is open for spectators.See the poster for details.
Feb 20, 2019
Grass Genetics Workshop: How to Visually Identify Cattle That Will Do Well on Forage Steve Campbell of Boise, Idaho, will be teaching a 2 day grass genetics workshop with classroom learning and live c...
Feb 20, 2019
"Our expectations will be high this year, as we celebrate our fifth annual BrainLove campaign and the 25th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Royal Purple Association,"said Charity Chairperson Sandi Loug...
Feb 20, 2019 : Karen Cay
Friday, March 1 Registration begins for Seniors Computer Class on Friday, March 8, 10:00Registration begins for Tween and Teen Craft on Monday, March 11, 7:00Registration begins for Tween and Teen Wri...
Feb 20, 2019
The Annual World Day of Prayer Service will be Friday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m. at the Meadow Lake Grace United Church.The theme is Come, Everything is Ready.Everyone is welcome.ANNUAL WORLD DAY OF PRAYER...
Feb 20, 2019
The Lenten Lunch Series - Jesus Speaks from Calvary will be Tuesdays from March 12 until April 16 starting at noon.The series will be at the St. Paul's Anglican Church Hall.See the poster for details.
Feb 20, 2019
Take part in Telemiracle 43 on Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3 at the Meadow Lake Civic Centre.There will be bucket raffles, bid board items, entertainment and a food booth.The pancake breakfast...
Feb 20, 2019
The Royal Canadian Legion Ice Fishing Derby will be on Meadow Lake Saturday, March 2 from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.First prize is $2,400.00Early Bird Tickets:$40 for Legion Members$50 for Non-Members...
Feb 20, 2019